Speech therapy

Speech therapy is a specialist medical field that treats problems or restrictions in interpersonal communication skills. These restrictions can be caused by innate developmental disorders or delays caused by trauma (for example, brain damage) or hearing impairments (for example, otitis media). Consequently speech, language, the voice and oro-motor skills can be impaired. Speech therapy deals with diagnostics, consultation, therapy and rehabilitation.

When needed, speech therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Prescriptions are issued by ear-nose and- throat doctors, paediatricians, neurologists, orthodontists, phoniatrists, audiologists or general practitioners. Generally the costs for speech therapy are covered by your health insurance.

Our practice also offers speech therapy in English.

The practice specialises in children and adolescents and provides the following services:

Treatment of:

  • Specific language disorders
  • Articulation disorders
  • Voice disorders
  • Fluency disordersSprachentwicklungsverzögerungen/-störungen

Execution of:

  • Myofunctional therapy/ oro-motor training
  • Training of auditory processing and attention skills
  • Auditory training in children with hearing impairments
  • Early childhood speech and language promotion
  • Promotion of social and communication skills
  • Training and consultation for parents